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Related Sites
Enjoying a Game of Manhattan
This page lists similar and other useful gaming sites.
If you like Dan Becker's Game Site and would like to be listed
here, send me an email and be sure to link this site from yours to be listed.
Here are the links.
Game Databases and Directories
- The Board Game Geek - the Dallas Metrogamers comprehensive database. Good for links.
- Yahoo Board Games Category - big general index of links.
- Luding Games Database - an online game database with many reviews
- The Gaming Dumpster - user game reviews and contributions.
- Boardgames Site - nice compact list of sites fro the Netherlands
- Card Games Directory and
Party Games Directory - two directories
that seem to have been mechanically generated, but hey, they link to this site.
Game Magazines
- The Game Report Online - Peter Sarrett's online game webzine.
- The Game Cabinet - no longer published but lots of good older reviews.
- Games, Games, Games - great, glossy, UK games scene coverage.
- The Web Grognards - the place to go to read and discuss wargaming.
- The Goblin - an interesting site of game reviews, information, and links.
- The Games Cafe - weekly puzzles and articles.
- Board Games Start4All - Dutch board games page with lots of links to everything games related.
- Discover Games - articles links, resources geared towards game designers and inventors.
Game Groups and Clubs
- RussCon - Russ Williams' Austin based game group. Results, comics, more!
- The Westbank Gamers - New Orleans club with game reviews and play reports.
- Billabong Boardgamers - Melbourne club with lots of game reviews, reports, info.
- Austin Boardgame Group - Austin's boardgame group held at Dragon's Lair store.
- The Houston Gamers Club - session reports, reviews and other info.
- The Athens Gaming Club - a board gaming club with session reports and game info.
- UK Gamerz - A U.K. group whose site covers boardgames, miniatures, CCGs, role playing, etc.
- Got Dice - Gaming group based in the Northeast Illinois / Southeast Wisconsin area. Looks like a fine bunch of partiers.
Game Enthusiasts
- Mik Svellov's Game News - a Danish magazine about German games in English.
- Kulkmann's Gamebox - Kulkmann's list of games, reviews, and information.
- KMWs Spielplatz HomePage - Knut Michal Wolfe's German online card and game magazine.
- Ronald Hoekstra - fan and devotee to many games.
- Aaron Fuegi - home of the Top 100 Board games list.
- Brian Bankler - lots of reviews and info from this Usenet regular.
Game Titles, Authors
- Chris Lawson's Reinerspiel - rules, FAQs, and info on Reiner Knizia games.
- Kramer Spiele - German site dedicated to the games of Michael Kramer.
- Doris and Frank - fun and information from this couple.
Game Retailers
- lots of game info, customer reviews, and game news
(Read about my association with Funagain Games.)
- Boulder Games - decent prices and wide game availability.
- GameFest Games - useful portal based site with lots of game info and news.
- Dragon's Lair Comics and Fantasy (Austin)
- Great Hall Games (Austin)
- King's Hobby (Austin)
- Rainy Day Games (Canada)
Link Exchanges
- Board Game Locator - useful for finding used games and parts
Web Gaming
- GameTable Online - play Nuke War, Lord of the Fries, Cosmic Wimpout and other games online.
- e-scapegames - Playstation, Dreamcast, Nintendo reviews, etc.