Dan Becker's Painted BattleLore Miniatures

Battle line close up
Battle line close up
Like a lot of other gamers,I enjoy Richard Borg's Commands and Colorsgames, including the latest offering fromDays of Wonder BattleLore.The game is a 2-player board game in which each commanderuses cards to activate units and send them into battle.Unlike the earlier Commands and Colors games (Battle Cry,Memoir '44, andCommands and Colors: Ancients)BattleLore introduces a magic systemwhere lore is used to cast spells, create creatures, andperform all sorts of abominations.

To the right, the Hill Giant is simply smashing in his pink fur lined decolletage.

Heavy infantry attacks
Heavy infantry attacks
Days of Wonder really outdid itself with the production quality of this game:heavy mounted map board, wooden dice, lavish rulebook,and hundreds of plastic miniatures.The miniatures are medium gray, medium hard styrene, that justcry out to be painted.As regular readers know, I have been infected with this madness andpresent my first painted units, the heavy infantry shown to the right.

Since there are so many miniatures, I intend to paint them quickly with atable-top quality paint job.The heavies at right are primed with black, drybrushedwith Games Workshop metallic "Boltgun Metal" acrylic paint,and Vallejo Carmine Red for the surcoat.

Light infantry try to exterminate a spider
Light infantry try to exterminate a spider
On the right is a photo of the completed light infantry.I decided to spend a little extra time on the shields. For the heavy units above, I printedsome heraldry from War Flag on white decalpaper from Bel Inc., and applied the decals to the shields.Here is the heavy infantry shield decals file.All told, the 16 men took about 3 hours.It would have been 2 hours if I were a little more proficient with myPaintShop Pro graphics software.The light infantry have an original shield design inspired by the BattleLore graphic designs.Here is the light infantry shield decals file.Simply print at 600 dpi (or 50% at 300 dpi). You may want to make them slightly largerif you want the decals to wrap around the shield edges. Test the sizing on normal paper first.

Medium infantry horde
Medium infantry are numerous
On the right is a photo of some medium infantry advancing to invade your town.As in the game, there seems to be an innumerable amount ready to do battle.Actually, there are 72 of these figures included in the game, the biggest single figure count.Notice that like the light infantry, these sinister warriors are all left-handed!That certainly will confuse any dexterous enemy.

Once again, there are some custom medium infantry shields with a BattleLore theme.You can download and print as you like.

Light bows
Light bows
Here are the light bows performing a little target practice on each other.Note the green color scheme to help identify them as lights.Since these folks have no shields, they were a little easier than the infantry.

Havy cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Here are the heavy cavalry. Again they haveheavy cavalry custom shield decals.The graphics are all variations on red, white, black, yellow, and thecavalry graphic from the game.It is tough to make out due to JPEG image compression, but theshields really do have tiny stripes and checkerboard patterns.

Medium cavalry
Medium Cavalry
Here are the medium and light. They alsomedium cavalry custom shield decals.The graphics are made with both blue and green so they canbe either medium or light cavalry depending on their banner.I also painted them with some blue and green to fit in with this idea.

Here is a photo of the Goblinoids.To the center front are the cavalry riding their lizard creatures.I painted each lizard with a slightly different color, like a chameleon.On the left are the heavy infantry and on the right are the bows.In the back are the medium infantry with their copper colored armor.They all have a slightly different yellow grass colored base to make them easyto spot on the battle field.

Here are the Dwarves. The heavy infantry in red are in the center.The cross bows are to the right.On either flank we have 3 units of medium infantry.These folks took a long while to paint because I went to the troubleof painting the tartan checks.The bases are medium gray with green to simulate hard scrabble groundand to make them easy to spot.

Here is a photo of the 3 monsters available as of this writing.The black widow spider is on the left.The Hill Giant is simply smashing in his pink fur lined decolletage.And the earth elemental, with his molten fury rises up on the right.

Lore cups
Lore cups
Don't forget to paint the lore cups.This paint scheme took all of 5 minutes.Paint black.Dry brush with gold.Paint tiny gem stones around the middle.

Battle overhead
Battle overhead
Here is an overview of the beginning of a battle using various figures.It is based on one of the later scenarios with a few variations thrown in.

Left flank
Left flank
Here is a close up of the left flank.Notice the banners got a paint treatment too.I painted the flag staffs dark brown and the pennant staffs light brown to helpdistinguish them.The banner edging is also painted, and this really helps distinguish units during a game.

Right flank
Right flank
Another glorious close up from the right.Will the goblins be able to hold a heavy cavalry attack?Will the bow men on the ramparts be able to repeal the heavy infantry in their plate armor?Will the brave and steadfast dwarves be able to take downthe Hill Giant who is simply smashing in his pink fur lined decolletage?
Thanks for reading my articles. Hopefully more BattleLore expansion figures and subsequent photos will be postedin the future.

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Last modified: Sunday, 28-Apr-2019 13:57:57 MST.