Vallejo recently released a second edition of Model Color paints.
The new edition has three large themed cases (Basic, Combination, and Military) with
80 bottles each.
There is also a color triad chart to group colors according to highlight, base, and shade.
I paint mostly historical miniatures, and I had great use of my earlier
Vallejo Model Colors, so I wanted to make a starter set for my own uses.
I counted each color's use in the cases and triads,
used my Model Color experience,
and made a guess as to which colors I should get.
The color swatches below show each inclusion in a triad (t01-t51), basic case (b01-b80),
combination case (c01-c80), and military case (m01-m80).
A preliminary list of colors was made if a paint bottle was in 3 or 4 lists.
Colors such as whites and grays were added if they were popular mixing colors.
Colors were removed if they were too specialized or too close to other colors.
The grayed out swatches almost made the list, but were removed to save money.