Vallejo recently released a second edition of Model Color paints.
The new edition has three large themed cases (Basic, Combination, and Military) with
80 bottles each.
There is also a color triad chart to group colors according to highlight, base, and shade.
I paint mostly historical miniatures.
I had great use of my earlier Vallejo Model Colors, so I wanted to make a starter set for my own uses.
I counted each color's use in the themed cases and triads,
used my Model Color experience,
and made a guess as to which colors I should get.
The color swatches below show each inclusion in a triad (t01-t51), basic case (b01-b80),
combination case (c01-c80), and military case (m01-m80).
A preliminary list of colors was made if a paint bottle was in 3 or 4 lists.
Colors such as whites and grays were added if they were popular mixing colors.
Colors were removed if they were too specialized or too close to other colors.
The grayed out swatch captions almost made the list, but were removed to save money.
Colors that I have bought have $ signs in the swatch captions.
Please enjoy my pick of 47 useful Vallejo paints.
Dan's Picks
70.950 Black [t67,t68][m73,c74,b68]70.951 White [m01,b01]70.918 Ivory [t01,t02][c02,b04]70.989 Sky Grey [c71,b62]70.870 Medium Sea Grey70.986 Deck Tan [c47][t02, t45, t47]
70.814 Burnt Red [t60, t61][m61]70.926 Red [t12, t14][b16, c18]70.908 Carmine Red [t14][b15, c17]70.957 Flat Red [t16][b18, c20]70.947 Dark Vermilion [t13, t15][m06]70.909 Vermilion [t12][b14,c16]70.817 Scarlet [t15][b17,c19]
70.970 Deep Green [b26, c41, t32, t33]70.968 Flat Green [t35]70.922 Uniform Green [c44, m17, t37, t38]70.891 Intermediate Green [t36][b30]70.758 Bright Green [t35, t36, t39][m14]
Blue Greens
70.755 Light Emerald [t31]70.753 Light Blue Green [t28, t30]70.840 Light Turquoise [t28, t29]
70.809 Royal Blue [t25]70.962 Flat Blue [t22, t26]70.844 Deep Sky Blue [t24]70.902 Azure [t21, t27]
70.811 Blue Violet [t20][b20, c26]70.750 Light Violet [t20]70.959 Purple [t19][b19]