DEBUG: You asked to delete " . count( $playIDs ) . " records.

"; $set = "( "; for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $playIDs ); $i++ ) { if ( $i > 0 ) $set .= ", "; $set .= $playIDs[ $i ]; } $set .= " )"; echo "

Calculating scores on games in $set.

"; displayRecords( $playIDs, false, false ); // display no id, no checkbox. // Collect averages and sums for each scenario/country. $sql = "SELECT TScenarioNames.title AS scenarioName, AS countryName, COUNT( TScores.score ) as playCount, SUM( TScores.score ) AS sumScore, AVG( TScores.score ) AS avgScore, SUM( TScores.margin ) AS sumMargin, AVG( TScores.margin ) AS avgMargin, STD( TScores.margin ) AS stdMargin FROM TScores, TPlays, TScenarioNames, TCountryNames WHERE ( TScores.idPlays IN $set ) AND ( TScores.idPlays = ) AND ( TPlays.idScenarioNames = ) AND (TScores.idCountryNames = ) GROUP BY TPlays.idScenarioNames, TScores.idCountryNames ORDER BY scenarioName, countryName ASC"; $sqlResults = sqlQuery( $sql, $verbose ); $rowCount = 0; $delimiter = ":"; // Create an array keyed on scenario/country, each s/c contains group and player metrics. while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $sqlResults, MYSQL_ASSOC )) { $primaryKey = $row[ "scenarioName" ] . $delimiter . $row[ "countryName" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ "group" ][ "playCount" ] = $row[ "playCount" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ "group" ][ "sumScore" ] = $row[ "sumScore" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ "group" ][ "avgScore" ] = $row[ "avgScore" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ "group" ][ "sumMargin"] = $row[ "sumMargin" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ "group" ][ "avgMargin" ] = $row[ "avgMargin" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ "group" ][ "stdMargin" ] = $row[ "stdMargin" ]; $rowCount++; } // printArray( $metrics ); // Collect averages and sums for each scenario/country. $sql = "SELECT TScenarioNames.title AS scenarioName, AS countryName, COUNT( TScores.score ) as playCount, SUM( TScores.score ) AS sumScore, AVG( TScores.score ) AS avgScore, SUM( TScores.margin ) AS sumMargin, AVG( TScores.margin ) AS avgMargin, AS playerName FROM TScores, TPlays, TScenarioNames, TCountryNames, TPlayerNames WHERE ( TScores.idPlays IN $set ) AND ( TScores.idPlays = ) AND ( TPlays.idScenarioNames = ) AND (TScores.idCountryNames = ) AND (TScores.idPlayerNames = ) GROUP BY TPlays.idScenarioNames, TScores.idCountryNames, playerName ORDER BY scenarioName, countryName, playerName ASC"; $sqlResults = sqlQuery( $sql, $verbose ); $rowCount = 0; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $sqlResults, MYSQL_ASSOC )) { $primaryKey = $row[ "scenarioName" ] . $delimiter . $row[ "countryName" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ $row[ "playerName" ] ][ "playCount" ] = $row[ "playCount" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ $row[ "playerName" ] ][ "sumScore" ] = $row[ "sumScore" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ $row[ "playerName" ] ][ "avgScore" ] = $row[ "avgScore" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ $row[ "playerName" ] ][ "sumMargin"] = $row[ "sumMargin" ]; $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ $row[ "playerName" ] ][ "avgMargin" ] = $row[ "avgMargin" ]; // Standard score = ( score - avg ) / stdDev $stdDev = $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ "group" ][ "stdMargin" ]; if ( $stdDev < 0.000001 ) $stdDev = 1.0; // too few samples (e.g. one game ) $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ $row[ "playerName" ] ][ "zScore" ] = ( $row[ "avgMargin" ] - $metrics[ $primaryKey ][ "group" ][ "avgMargin" ] ) / $stdDev; $rowCount++; } // Calculate average zScores reset( $metrics ); foreach ($metrics as $metric) { foreach ($metric as $player => $values ) { if ( strcmp( $player, "group" ) != 0 ) { if ( is_null( $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "totalPlays" ] ) ) { $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "totalPlays" ] = 0; $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "totalZ" ] = 0; $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "avgZ" ] = 0; } $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "totalPlays" ] += $values[ "playCount" ]; for ( $i = 0; $i < $values[ "playCount" ]; $i++ ) $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "totalZ" ] += $values[ "zScore" ]; $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "avgZ" ] = $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "totalZ" ] / $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "totalPlays" ]; } } } // Calculate ordering by avgZ. reset( $metrics ); foreach ($metrics as $metric) { foreach ($metric as $player => $values ) { if ( strcmp( $player, "group" ) != 0 ) { $ordering[ $player ] = $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "avgZ" ]; } } } arsort( $ordering ); // reverse sort by value, maintain keys. $orderCount = 1; $previousZ = -1.0; $previousPosition = 1; foreach ($ordering as $player => $avgZ ) { if ( abs( $avgZ - $previousZ ) < 0.01 ) $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "order" ] = $previousPosition; // keep ties with same order else $metrics[ "Total" ][ $player ][ "order" ] = $orderCount; $previousZ = $avgZ; $previousPosition = $orderCount; $orderCount++; } // printArray( $metrics ); printRecords( $ordering, $metrics ); return $metrics;}function printRecords( $ordering, $metrics ) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; reset( $ordering ); foreach ($ordering as $player => $order ) { echo ""; } echo "\n"; foreach ($metrics as $key => $metric) { if ( 0 != strcmp( $key, "Total" ) ) { echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; reset( $ordering ); foreach ($ordering as $player => $order ) { if ( is_null( $metric[ $player ] ) ) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } echo "\n"; } else { // Totals echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; reset( $ordering ); foreach ($ordering as $player => $order ) { if ( is_null( $metric[ $player ] ) ) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } } echo "\n"; } } echo "
$key" . round( $metric[ "group" ][ "avgMargin"], 2 ) . " / " . round( $metric[ "group" ][ "stdMargin"], 2 ) . " " . $metric[ $player ][ "playCount" ] . " / " . round( $metric[ $player ][ "avgMargin" ], 2 ) . " / " . round( $metric[ $player ][ "zScore" ], 2 ) . "
Order / # / avgZ  " . $metric[ $player ][ "order" ] ." / " . $metric[ $player ][ "totalPlays" ] . " / " . round( $metric[ $player ][ "avgZ" ], 2) . "

Dan Becker's Game Page

Calculate Tournament Plays

Purpose: Select records and perform metrics on the tournament records.

This tournament scoring is performed by tallying each player'sbanner margins (Δ) for each game in a (scenario,nation) group.A normalized score (Z) is calculated bycomparing the player margins to the mean margin and standard deviation (σ).Zero means an average score, positive is above average, negative is below average.

Note that if everyone in a (scenario,nation) group scores the same, the standard deviationwill be 0 and the normalized score will be 0 also.

Select via game date and selection boxes:
\n"; if (0 == strcmp( $command, "filter" )) { filterValues(); // echo "

DEBUG: fromDate=$fromDate, toDate=$toDate.

\n"; $playIDs = filterPlays( $fromDate, $toDate ); } else if (0 == strcmp( $command, "calculate" )) { // echo "DEBUG: command=delete.
\n"; if ( isset( $gameIDs ) ) { // echo "

DEBUG: count(gameIDs)=" . count( $gameIDs ) . "

\n"; calculateRecords( $gameIDs ); unset( $gameIDs ); } } unset( $command );} // issetecho "

Filter records here:
\n";filterForm();selectForm( $playIDs, "calculate", "Calculate Score" );?>

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