This page contains images of figures I have painted and scanned into the computer. The figures were painted mostly with Citadel and Polly S paints. Each figure is part of a complete Blood Bowl team that I have created. To scan, I placed the figure face down on a scanner and covered them with a black cloth.

You may use these images freely for your Blood Bowl pages, PROVIDED you give a link back to my page wherever the images appear. That is to say, each image may be part of an HTML link or each page on which the images appear should have text with a reference back to my Blood Bowl page. In other words, this is a mild form of copyright of the images. (Yes, you may make a small font at the bottom of the page.)

Blood Bowl is a trademark of Games Workshop Ltd. Please patronize them by buying this game.




Wood Elves

Dark Elves


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Last modified: Sunday, 28-Apr-2019 14:15:39 MST. Page hits: [an error occurred while processing this directive].